Wednesday 6 February 2013

Jabs, graze, crochet

Well, C had his third jabs yesterday. Turned out my friend's mum was the health visitor who had to administer them. As soon as we walked in she said, "Oh no, I can't believe I have to do this to him!" Haha. 

Just before he got them, C was smiling away at her (still smiling when the jabs went in) then the tears came and literally 3 seconds later, he started laughing and shouting at her. It was hilarious.

My second graze box came today. 

Yum. I haven't tried anything in it yet but judging by the first one, I'm sure it will be beautiful!

I finally bought myself some wool and used a few YouTube videos to start crocheting. It's so damn difficult and my fingers hurt. I've given up for today but I'll try again tomorrow. I refuse to give up!

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