Sunday 31 December 2017

About my Year: 2017

I don't usually do tag posts but Cassie from Lily's Little Learners tagged me in a questionnaire all about the past year. I thought it looked fun and a lovely way to look back on the past twelve months.

1. What did you do for your birthday this year? 
My birthday was on a Thursday this year and Chris had to work so it was a pretty regular day! I picked C up from preschool and went to my parents house where my mum and sister were (dad had work!) where I got presents and we ordered a pizza takeaway! Nothing too exciting but nice all the same.

2. Whats the biggest thing to happen to you this year? 

As awful as this sounds, I don't think anything huge has happened to me! My partner did learn to drive though so it's been great having a family car. Seeing him drive has made me eager to learn myself so hopefully by this time next year, I'll have my own licence. 

3. What was the biggest thing to happen for your child/children this year? 
C started big school! He is loving it but we do have some struggles. He's received his statement of special educational needs too. As for E, I've applied for her nursery place! 

4. Could you pick a favourite week of the year? 
Chris took a week off during the summer and we did as much as we could pack in. As we had a car, we were able to travel further afield and my favourite day of that week was when we visited the beach. We had to bribe C out of the water! 

5. Do you have a favourite photograph of yourself from 2017? 

This photo from back in March of myself and my two children. Although it was only taken nine months ago, both children look so little in it! I feel like they've grown so much. 

As for me, I'm lovely my, then new, glasses and my Panic! At The Disco 'Miss Jackson' lyric tee. 

6. What was your best day out? 
Aside from the beach day that I mentioned above; myself, Chris, C and E visited Cavehill with Chris's mum, his three brothers, sister and our niece. It was so lovely to have a day out with the entire family as we don't get to do it very often. 

7. What is the best film you have seen this year? 
It has to be the Beauty and the Beast remake! It was one of my favourite animations and Emma Watson was the perfect Belle. Is it weird that I have a crush on Luke Evans as Garston?! 

8. Is there anything you wish didn't happen this year? 
Nothing at all. Nothing bad happened at all in my life. Even if I did have a rough patch, I'd never want to change anything. I'm definitely a believer of "everything happens for a reason." 

9. What would you like to achieve or improve for 2018? 
My organisational skills. Every year, I buy a planner, use it for a week or so then never look at it again. Everything seems to snowball with deadlines and I worry I'm missing appointments so I definitely need some organisation in my life.

10. How will you be celebrating/did you celebrate New Years Eve?
I will have a glass of wine in hand and be eating baked camembert with crusty bread. 

Happy New Year!

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