Thursday 4 June 2020

2020 Reading Challenge | I Made A Mistake by Jane Corry

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If you are a regular reader, you'll know that I set myself a reading challenge this year through Goodreads. My target is 60 books by the end of the year. Here is my review for book 17.

I Made A Mistake by Jane Corry - 5/5 

Blurb: In Poppy Page's mind, there are two types of women in this world: those who are faithful to their husbands, and those who are not. Until now, Poppy had never questioned which she was.

But when handsome, charming Matthew Gordon walks back into her life after almost two decades, that changes. Poppy makes a single mistake - and that mistake will be far more dangerous then she could imagine.

Someone is going to pay for it with their life...

Review: Jane Corry has done it again!

I gave her last book 'I Looked Away' a 5/5 so I thought it couldn't get better than that. I was wrong. This book is fantastic and I just couldn't put it down.

The beginning pulls you in with a death at the tube station. We then have alternating narratives from Poppy, a married mother of two who runs her own casting agency, letters written to Poppy from her husband Stuart's mother, Betty and scenes from a court room.

Poppy meets an ex-boyfriend at a casting party and is left shaken by it for numerous reasons but I don't want to give any spoilers! It's a slow burn that you just need to keep reading. Sometimes with slow burners I can get a bit bored but I was totally gripped by this one.

Jane Corry is wonderful at writing about and tackling real life issues; this one containing domestic abuse and postnatal depression. She writes twists very, very well and I would recommend this to everyone.

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