Thursday 20 April 2017

What I Won - February 2017

February was a much better month than January was, win-wise. I spent a lot more time entering instead of mindlessly scrolling through Facebook and also taking the time to search for my own giveaways, especially on Instagram.

So without further ado, here's what I won in February!

1) KidzCoins (RRP £8.99) from KidzCoins
I won these in a Twitter retweet giveaway and I forgot to take a photograph of them - apologies! They are little coins designed to be given to children and they can trade them for screen. C does like using the iPad so I thought they would be great for him.
2) Father/Son tops (RRP £14.99) from Pieridae Gifts
I absolutely love this! I am a sucker for anything matching. Chris is a little less than impressed but I don't care, they're adorable!
3) Shampoo (RRP £28.00) from Emerald Street
This was a web entry and I love prizes that are handy!
4) Cordial (RRP £3.99) from Subscription Street
This was a simple Instagram comment win. The company. Elderbrook, do a cordial subscription (something that I'd never seen before!). This flavour of mango, passion fruit and goji berry is delicious!
5) Football (RRP £14.95) from Walkers
I won this in the Walkers Snap & Share giveaway. If you haven't seen it yet, you need to get your hands on a promotional bag and take a photograph with it then share on the Walkers social media pages with #WalkersUnited. There are footballs, PS4s and match tickets up for grabs. C will love his football!
6) Beauty hamper (RRP £127.09) from MediCare Pharmacy
 I won this in a like, comment and share giveaway from a local pharmacy group. It was a lovely treat for myself and Chris. I did have to pick it up and have my photograph taken which was a little embarrassing - I always hate that bit!
7) Lamb & Bear leggings (RRP £16.00) from Boo, Roo and Tigger Too
 I absolutely love putting E in handmade clothing so I was thrilled to win these, especially since they were made by a fellow blogger - Lamb and Bear.
8) Personalised t-shirt (RRP £10.00) from Embroidery Queens
 I absolutely love this! I have so many items of personalised clothing for E that she definitely won't forget her name in a hurry. It's so cute!
9) Wall hanging (RRP £28.00) from It's OK Kid
I expected this to be small but it's huge! I have yet to hang it in C's room but it will fit well and I'm sure he'll love it.

10) Nails (RRP £31.96) from Elegant Touch
This was a win from an Instagram comment on Elegant Touch's page. You had to tag a friend and both of you won. I tagged my sister as she is forever getting her nails done so I thought they'd be good inbetween appointments.

11) Jumper (RRP £10.25) from Trendeo
Trendeo run loads of clothing and accessory giveaways on Twitter so when I saw the gorgeous black batwing jumper, I had to enter as it was so me. Absolutely thrilled to have won!
12) Avengers hooded towel (RRP £7.99) from QD Stores
 C is obsessed with Marvel and DC, he even has a Captain America school bag. I won this in a Twitter giveaway and he is thrilled to bits with it.
15) Mother's Day card (RRP £3.75) from Rude & Crude
16) Fred's Box (RRP £16.50) from What the Redhead Said
 I have seen so many blog reviews about these boxes that I followed Fred's Box on social media. I then saw blog competitions pop up and was lucky enough to win one! C is four and a half and absolutely loves LEGO. The fact that these are superhero/villain related means that they are perfect for him! Deadpool is his favourite.
17) Tote bag from Willoughby Book Club
I have always been a big reader so this bag suits me perfectly. This was an Instagram win where you just had to comment with your favourite book.
18) Infinity scarf (RRP £5.00) from Sam's Stitches
This was another Instagram win! I love that it is handmade and the colour is perfect for E.

19) Personalised Kitkat 
 KitKat had a promotion running where you had to input the codes inside the wrapper of promotional KitKats. They had lots to giveaway and I got mine personalised for Chris.

So, in February 2017 I won 19 prizes worth a total of £327.46. You can read my wins for February 2016, 2015 and 2014 here. It seems that 2016 is winning in the value stakes!

Have you won anything nice lately?
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