Tuesday 30 January 2018

My Top Online Pastimes

As a child of the 90's, I basically grew up with the Internet. I still vividly remember the first time my dad bought a desktop computer for the house, then eventually one just for me when I was a teen. I'd spend hours on the big social media sites at the time, perfecting my Top 8 friends on MySpace or giving my 'luv' on Bebo, as well as chatting to my friends who I'd just spent all day with on MSN Messenger when I got home from school.

Now, at the ripe old age of (almost!) 26, the Internet is still a very big part of my life. If I'm completely honest, I probably spend too much time with my phone held up to my face but I think that's part and parcel of being a blogger.

On an evening when my two children are in bed, I do like to sit and relax away from blog work. Most nights I'd read a chapter of whatever novel I'm working through at that moment or binge watch something on Netflix or NowTV (right now I'm loving Rupaul's Drag Race!) but I always find myself drifting back online in some way.
Here are my top three things to do online!

1) Enter online competitions
I am sure that if you're a regular reader or if you follow me on social media, you will be well aware of my obsessive competition entering. I am 100% sure that I probably annoy people with all the giveaway shares but you know what? People actually win this stuff and I fully encourage everyone to get involved.

I've won some amazing prizes in my six years of entering from an iPad mini and £1900 diamond earrings to baby items and household stuff - like my sofa!

2) Playing bingo online
I know, I mentioned that I'm only in my mid-twenties but bingo, contrary to popular belief, is not just for old ladies. I was so wary before starting because you do have to spend a little bit of money to win money and handling money/card details over the Internet did worry me a little bit.

Luckily, for the over-anxious people such as myself, websites actually exist to bring your reviews of bingo sites so you can find out exactly what the site it like, if there is a deposit bonus or if you get free spins etc. Click here for a little example of one. I think this is brilliant because it almost gives you peace of mind that the site is legitimate and you know exactly what you're getting into before you sign up and give any personal details.

3) Playing online games
I am a massive fan of games such a 8 Ball Pool or iSketch where you play against someone in a different part of the world in real time. I'm quite a competitive person and it's a nice way to relax and have fun at the same time.

I also enjoy games such as FarmVille or Café World which you can play on Facebook where you are given tasks, can build things, plant or cook things depending on the game and invite friends to send you things that you need in order to complete tasks and progress to the next level.

What do you do to pass the time online?

(This is a sponsored post.)

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