Saturday 14 April 2018

Crocodile Dinner - Review

Now that the children are getting a little older, we try to have family game night every week and our games collection is steadily growing. One of the things that we really need to work on, with C especially, is turn taking, sharing and coping with losing as he struggles with those quite a bit.

Sambro have released a game called Crocodile Dinner which is so simple but fun. The game comes with three crocodile masks in purple, blue and green and 13 foam fish (five green, five purple, five blue and one orange or 'gold').

The premise of the game is simple. Each player attaches the crocodile mask to their face, tightening accordingly using the straps on the side. You need to make sure that it's under your chin correctly so that the mask opens and closes as you open and close your mouth.

One player must count down from three, throw all the fish in the air and the "crocodiles" must try and pick up the fish of their masks' colour with their mouths, making sure not to use their hands. Once they've got all their coloured fish, the first player to get the gold fish wins!

C thought the game was really fun but he did struggle a little with how tight the mask had to be on his face in order for it to move. The fun factor for him was keeping his hands behind his back when trying to get the fish. He kept forgetting himself then bursting out laughing.

He liked that it wasn't too much of a turn taking game, everyone could play at the same time with made it even more competitive. It's a really great family game for children aged 5+.

(Disclaimer: We received this item for the purpose of this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.)

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