Tuesday 29 January 2013

C had baby clinic today!

Today started badly, I just could not drag myself out of bed. Our appointment was at 10.45am and at 9.00am C still looked like this:

So I rushed about getting myself ready, then himself ready and getting him fed. We arrived about 5 minutes early but as I was bringing him in to get measured and weighed, he puked all over me (and again after all was done!)

He's 63cm long and now weighs 15lb 8oz, up from 13lb 12oz 3 weeks ago!

We then went in to see the consultant. The boy did me proud and was in hysterical laughter at everything she had to say and sat and had a wee chat with her. I told her about how he was getting on and she seemed happy.

His chest was examined (I'd said he had a cough and was a bit snuffly, but it's just a cold), his pulses, head movement etc were all checked. She said he's doing all his should plus more for his corrected age being 12 weeks. I was told that compared to a full term baby born around the same time, there would be a big difference in what they do but by 12-18 months there should be hardly any differences. 

She wants to see him again in 3 months and by that time he should hopefully be sitting unaided or at the very least, be less wobbly. I'm so, so proud of how far my little preemie has come <3.

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