Thursday 26 November 2015

Christmas Gift Ideas: Personalised Books from love2read

Love2read combine two of my favourite things - personalised items and books.
I absolutely love their books, you can find one for any occasion and they also do ones for Christmas!

You can choose from either Christmas 2015, Memories of 2015 (great to look back on what you got up to throughout the year), My first Christmas and What Elf got up to (perfect for if you do Elf of the Shelf). As last year was E's first Christmas, I opted for the first Christmas book.

Creating the book is easy. You have the option to go right ahead and make the book or you can view a demo version for some ideas. When you are making it, you have options to fill in the name of the person it is going to alongside a personalised message. The next ten pages are completely free for you to do what you like with them and you can add both text and images to them all. When your book is completed, you'll see that the front cover will be made up of the first four images that appear inside your book. The last two pages are the words 'first' and 'Christmas' repeated so you can learn to say them and a collage of all of the photographs from your book.

I went through my photos and chose some lovely Christmassy ones from the day itself and those leading up to it along with relevant captions. I think it will be such a lovely memory for E as she grows up and one she'll treasure forever.

These books retail at £14.99 for a softbacked book. You can browse the range at the love2read website and you can also follow them on Facebook and Twitter.

(Disclaimer: We received a book for the purpose of this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.)

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