Sunday 13 March 2016

Look in my Letterbox #48

Another week, another Look in my Letterbox! I've been doing really well with competitions lately (I'll do a post at the beginning of April with my March wins but you can take a nosey at my February wins if you haven't already seen it!) so this week I've received lots of lovely prizes!

Octonauts Playsets
This was a lovely start to the week. I always enter the competitions in children's magazines for C and E. This one came addressed to C so I snuck it in the kitchen to open before he could see it. It came from Fun to Learn Friends magazine but the original prize wasn't available so they sent these two which have a higher RRP!

Wall Stickers
I won £60 to spend at Koko Kids in This Enchanted Pixie's blog giveaway. I haven't got a photo because they're quite big and I don't want to take them out of the tube before I'm ready to stick them on but I went for the Moon & Stars for C, and Mini Vintage Floral Woodland and Mini Vintage Floral Hearts for E. We're hoping to move house this year so they will be perfect for decorating the kids bedrooms.

Hello Nature book
This was a Twitter win on World Book Day from Laurence King Publishing. C loves it already but some of the activities are too old for him but we can always do them when he's a big bigger.

Cheerz photo box
I won this from Squidgyboo's blog giveaway. I am constantly snapping photos of the kids but never get them printed. This little box contains 45 polaroid style photos of our family. So cute!

Personalised book
This was another World Book Day win, this time on Facebook from Penwizard! C thinks it's great seeing himself in the story.

I won this on Twitter from Wilkinson Sword for Women in their #RandomActsofKindnessDay giveaway. A handy win!

Dr Seuss Glasses
This was another Twitter win from Family Holiday Association. They were promoting #ShadesDay which is on April 1st. C is obsessed with glasses for some strange reason and he's really pleased with this win. He's always changing them up and putting the glasses on every teddy he can find (and himself!).

Cuddles Magazine
Cuddles magazine do Facebook competitions every week for different prizes and I always enter. I was chuffed to win this because I know they have entry forms for competitions inside. Plus the kids will enjoy the magazine of course!

Cat food
This was a little Twitter win from Meowing Heads. I don't have cats myself but I do know who it will go to! :)

Face Mask
Ooharr ran a huge giveaway on Twitter for samples of the face mask. I can't remember exactly how many they were giving away but I know it was a lot. This will be perfect for a little pamper night.

Ben & Holly playsets
C has recently discovered the joys of TV advertising and just wants everything he sees. He's been drawn to the Ben & Holly playset ads so when I received the email asking if we'd like to review, I knew I couldn't say no!

Shopping Trolley 
 I love Casdon. I can't remember if I had any products as a kid but my sister is 10 years younger than me and I remember her having quite a few. C is at the perfect age for their range now and this is the first product of theirs that he's gotten to try!

Dr Martens
 It was my birthday on Wednesday and my dad gave me his bank card to order myself a present. Last weekend, I spotted Jayne Kitsch's blog post about the new Adventure Time Dr Martens that were being released and I fell in love with the Princess Bubblegum and Marceline boots. I uhmed and ahhed over which ones to get but the PB's are just amazing and I couldn't not get them. They are so beautiful! C has a pair of the infant Jake the Dog boots so I think now we'll have to get Chris the Finn's and E the Marceline's!

Face mask
I also received a little freebie face mask from SoPost! The texture is quite odd, I was expecting a cream, but it smells lovely.

No bows this week but I have bought from a few shops and won some this week so hopefully they'll be in next week's post.

Did you receive anything nice last week?

3 comments on "Look in my Letterbox #48"
  1. What great wins! I rarely enter comps, maybe I should start! x

  2. Wow what a prize haul, well done ! Love your new boots too :-)

  3. Love the idea of the cheerz photos - you've had some fantastic wins
    Thanks for linking up with #LIML
