Wednesday 13 July 2016

OXO Tot Sit Right Toilet Trainer - Review

I recently posted about how we had successfully potty trained C and touched on the fact that we had been using the OXO Tot Sit Right Toilet Trainer to progress from potty to big toilet and I wanted to do a full review of the seat as I just love it so much. I do a lot of reviews on this blog and I like the majority of the items that I accept. Some are good, some I continue to buy if it's a product that can be used up and a handful are ones that I think are genius and that all parents should own. The Sit Right Trainer is one of the latter. 

I was offered the chance to review one around a year ago but at that stage, C wasn't interested in potty training so I politely declined. Fast forward to March this year and potty training was beginning. It was a tough job getting him to use the potty at first and I thought I'd have my work cut out for me when it came to progressing to the big toilet. I popped an email over to OXO Tot and asked if the offer of a review was still on the table and thankfully it was.

When it first arrived, C was actually really excited to use "mummy and daddy's toilet." The seat is made from hard plastic, it fits into your toilet seat perfectly and it doesn't slide about once it is set on due to the green rubber on the base. C can stand up on his stool, have his back to the toilet, put his hands on the handles and hoist himself onto the seat all by himself. The seat is shaped so he will be comfortable sitting on it and there is a little lip at the front to prevent weeing over the floor. It's wipe clean too which is what you'd expect from a toilet training seat. From the first day of usage, C took to it right away and we haven't used the potty since.

The flat design means we can store it away easily and C just grabs it himself when he needs to use the toilet. If we are going out for the day or staying at my parents house, I can stick it in a plastic bag and bring it out with us for use on public toilets as it is very lightweight too.

The OXO Tot Sit Right Toilet Trainer has made my life so much easier and has made the transition from potty to toilet quick and painless. It retails at £15.00 and honestly, it will be the best £15.00 you'll ever spend. I cannot recommend it enough. If you have a child who you are potty training or will be potty training soon, buy one of these!

You can find out more about the range at the OXO Tot website and you can also keep up to date on Twitter and Facebook

(We received this item for the purpose of this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.) 
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