Thursday 15 September 2016

TMNT Half-Shell Heroes Squeeze Em's - Review

C loves his typical preschool shows and characters but as he gets a bit older, he is showing more of an interest in superheroes and characters that would typically be for an older audience - one of these being the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Flair have recently brought out the Half-Shell Heroes Squeeze Em's and C was so excited to get one. Michelangelo was the Turtle that we received and the kids took an instant shine to him. You press his tummy, his eyes and tongue pop out and he says a phrase. The longer you hold the tummy in, the higher the pitch is. C especially likes holding it in as long as he can - possibly to wind mummy up! Both C and E are always laughing at him burping and saying "Pepperoni!" - you can't have a TMNT toy that doesn't reference their love of pizza! He even comes with two nunchucks. You can see some more of his phrases in the video below.

The figure itself is quite large (9 inches tall) and very well made. The sturdy plastic means it's great for little hands and is very durable too - just what you need with young children. The tummy part is a little softer so that you can hold it in easily. In saying that, E who has just turned two, does struggle a bit but I think she'll pick it up the more she tries. 

The Half-Shell Heroes range is designed specifically for little ones aged roughly between 2-4 years old. Both of my children are in this age range and as I mentioned above, they love it. I think it would make a fantastic Christmas gift. The TMNT Half-Shell Heroes Squeeze Em's can be purchased from leading retailers at a price of £24.99.

(We received this item for the purpose of this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.) 

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