Wednesday 6 November 2019

Hatchimals CollEGGtibles Royal Snowball Jewellery Box Dozen - Review

(AD/Gifted - We received this item for the purpose of this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.)
One of E's favourite toys over the past couple of years have been Hatchimals CollEGGtibles. We love how they always add something new and she finds it so exciting trying to collect all the characters from the series.

It is Hatchimals Week of WOW over social media this week and each day, the Spinmaster Twitter account will be giving away that day's featured Hatchimals toy and you can read reviews of the toy from a selection of bloggers. There will also be a Twitter party on the Spinmaster account on Saturday 9th November at 6pm where you will have the chance to win more prizes and discuss the range. 

I knew the Hatchimals CollEGGtibles Royal Snowball Jewellery Box Dozen would be a huge hit with E as she loves all things fancy and wintery which, judging by the name, I thought these would be.  

The 12 pack comes in a egg box style and upon opening you'll find two Hatchimals characters that aren't in eggs and 10 that still need to be "hatched". The eggs themselves in this set are beautiful and glittery and we love the colours. E instantly exclaimed "Ooh, the dark blue is very royal!" 

If you have never had Hatchimals CollEGGtibles before, in order to hatch the animals out, you simply rub the purple heart motif on the front of the egg. It will start to turn pink from the heat and then begin to crack. You can then break it apart and see who's inside.

You get a collector's sheet and before you've even opened any eggs, you can see that there are loads to collect. They are split into types and the egg colour refers to whether they are common, royal rare, ultra rare or limited edition so you have some sort of an idea about who will be inside.

E was super lucky and got one limited edition (Salon Foxfin from the "Glitter Salon" in the Royal Hatch range) and two royal rare ones (Royal Koalabee and Royal Pandor from the "Polar Royals" in the Royal Snowball range). We also only got one dupe which E has declared must mean that they are twins.

The concept of Hatchimals CollEGGtibles are so much fun. It is similar to the surprise of a blind bag but makes it a little more fun. The plastic egg box can then be saved to store your animals in so that they don't get lost. One thing that is different about Royal Snowball from the Hatchimals CollEGGtibles that we've owned before is that not only do you get an animal in the eggs, but most will come with accessories too. Some of ours had scarves, hats, crowns and even a little snowman - adorable!

We can't wait to collect the rest!
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