Tuesday 23 February 2021

The Tao Of Bowie by Mark Edwards | Book Review

[AD/Gifted - I received a copy of this book for the purpose of this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate links.]

The Tao Of Bowie by Mark Edwards - 4/5
"Buddhism was central to David Bowie's life, but he was a wide-ranging thinker who also drew meaning from other sources including Jungian psychology, Nietzschean philosophy and Gnosticism. The Tao Of Bowie condenses these concepts - the ideas that inspired and supported Bowie throughout his life and career - into ten powerful lessons, each with a series of exercises, mediations and techniques to encourage readers to apply these learnings to their own lives.

The Tao Of Bowie will help readers understand who they really are, clarify their purpose in life, manage their emotions and cope with setbacks and change. This fresh approach to the search for spirituality and happiness unites the perennial human quest for answers with the extraordinary mind and unique career of one of the most important cultural figures of the past half-century."

This book came into my life at just the right time. I, like many others, am finding this lockdown particularly hard and I am finding that I'm having more down days than up days.

The Tao Of Bowie is essentially therapy in a book. It is partly about Bowie and partly about you. It shows us how to go on a journey of self discovery using Bowie as a gateway.

Before finding fame, Bowie was about to become a monk, following the Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. Bowie picked a collection of ideas from the world's greatest spiritual leaders, philosophers, scientists, psychologists and artists and lived his life by them. The author uses these to compile ten powerful life lessons. 

The book is split into ten chapters, each with a sub-chapter; how it fits with Bowie's life, the lesson we can learn and then 'Your Path' which basically puts us in the situation and gives us activities and exercises to do. It teaches us how to meditate and builds on this as the chapters go on.

My personal favourite is "Change your relationship with your thoughts". This is a chapter I will definitely refer back to. I love the advice to see your sadness as a sad child or friend. Don't push that feeling away. It (you) needs love and attention.

Whether you are a Bowie fan or not, this is a great self-help book.

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