Monday 25 January 2016

Siblings: January 2016

Yay, we're into another year of Siblings! I loved looking back at all the photos I took of C and E together throughout 2015 and it was so nice seeing them grow. I did miss December's post as the month was so hectic but no harm done, I'm back now so I have double the photos.

This month, the children have been so loving towards each other. C will always share food with E and when E has a toy that he wants to play with, he'll either bring her another to swap or play nicely alongside her - no snatching!

E thinks C is the best person ever. She looks at him with such love and now that she's getting older she is more affectionate. She is always pulling her brother in for a kiss or hug and C does the same back. My favourite thing has to be though, when C is crying, E goes to straight to him, tousles his hair and says "Aww!" to comfort him. It is adorable. He loves her too and always asks me to wake her up when I've put her down for her nap.

I won't lie, it's not all plain sailing. We do have times where C just cannot have E anywhere near him, especially when he's building towers with his blocks. E always has to knock it down and I swear C transforms into Anger from Inside Out and pushes her over. We're working on it!

The Me and Mine Project

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