20 months old. That sounds far closer to 2 than 19 months did. I think I
need to accept the fact that my baby is growing up and isn't really a
baby anymore, but a toddler.
I have to be honest and say that I find it hard to write these posts. The time is flying by so quickly, especially having two children, and E is learning so much from her big brother that it is hard to remember it all.
Her speech is wonderful. She repeats everything I say and has little set phrases ingrained in her head. I love having chats with her. She knows her food, can count to 5 (we're working on the rest) and her animals and sounds too.
Her appetite has been insatiable lately. On a number of occasions we've had her having second helpings of dinner and even C's leftovers! I think she's had a growth spurt. She's constantly asking for food and we still haven't found anything that she doesn't like!
She is obsessed with Frozen (still!), In The Night Garden, Bing (she'll shout "Bim's on!"), Miffy and My Little Pony. I think I have birthday present ideas sorted. As long as it's related to any of those, she'll be happy!
She is so affectionate. She got a couple of dolls for her birthday but has recently taken a huge shine to them. She loves to play mummy, giving them cuddles and kisses, talking to them in a pitch higher than her own and tucking them in with a blanket and saying "night night."
She is massively obsessed with animals. Dogs are her favourite but she loves cats too. Even today, her daddy took a spider out of the bath and instead of running screaming like her brother, she waved "Hiya!" and gave the jar that it was in a kiss.
We've been outdoors a lot lately with the good weather and she loves playing mini golf and football in her grandads garden. I'm excited to do even more outdoor activities this summer.
I've bought a few age 2 items of clothing and they fit her already. She's so tall and she's reaching the door handles now which is a pain in the bum!
She is such a happy child and is always laughing, smiling and being so laid back and chilled. Apart from when she's fighting with her big brother over a toy!

I have to be honest and say that I find it hard to write these posts. The time is flying by so quickly, especially having two children, and E is learning so much from her big brother that it is hard to remember it all.
Her speech is wonderful. She repeats everything I say and has little set phrases ingrained in her head. I love having chats with her. She knows her food, can count to 5 (we're working on the rest) and her animals and sounds too.
Her appetite has been insatiable lately. On a number of occasions we've had her having second helpings of dinner and even C's leftovers! I think she's had a growth spurt. She's constantly asking for food and we still haven't found anything that she doesn't like!
She is obsessed with Frozen (still!), In The Night Garden, Bing (she'll shout "Bim's on!"), Miffy and My Little Pony. I think I have birthday present ideas sorted. As long as it's related to any of those, she'll be happy!
She is so affectionate. She got a couple of dolls for her birthday but has recently taken a huge shine to them. She loves to play mummy, giving them cuddles and kisses, talking to them in a pitch higher than her own and tucking them in with a blanket and saying "night night."
She is massively obsessed with animals. Dogs are her favourite but she loves cats too. Even today, her daddy took a spider out of the bath and instead of running screaming like her brother, she waved "Hiya!" and gave the jar that it was in a kiss.
We've been outdoors a lot lately with the good weather and she loves playing mini golf and football in her grandads garden. I'm excited to do even more outdoor activities this summer.
I've bought a few age 2 items of clothing and they fit her already. She's so tall and she's reaching the door handles now which is a pain in the bum!
She is such a happy child and is always laughing, smiling and being so laid back and chilled. Apart from when she's fighting with her big brother over a toy!

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