Friday 27 January 2017

How Reading Helps Young Children Learn

When I was a child, my parents read to me from a young age. As I grew older I developed a love for reading books myself and although I don't get as much time to read now that I have children of my own, it's still one of my favourite ways to relax. I always knew that when I did have children, I'd introduce books early in their lives. I read to them both since they were days old and I still do so every night, four and a half years later. As braggy as this may be, both my four and two year olds speak well and have an amazing range of vocabulary which I truly believe is down to reading. My four year old son can even recite his favourite books from memory.

Bright Horizons nursery, a day care in Twickenham, have put together a really fun infographic which is packed tips for reading to children in baby, toddler and pre-school stages. It even includes some book titles to try out.

What age were your children when you introduced them to books?

(This is a sponsored post.)
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