Tuesday 24 January 2017

Use These Stop Smoking Tips For Success This Year

For this New Year, did you make a resolution to quit smoking or even switch to ecigs? It shouldn't be a surprise considering 50% of people make that their New Year's resolution! There are countless people who desperately try to quit during the month of January, however, it takes more than simple resolve to quit. 

It is estimated that about 7 million people make a resolution every new year, and the top of the list is to quit smoking.

If you are looking for the ultimate way to succeed, you need to take your main goal and break it into smaller bite size chunks. Each time you reach a small goal, you need to reward yourself. One of the ways to stick to your goals is by keeping a daily journal, talking to your friends, and focusing on the benefits you will gain.

Here are some of the best tips to keep your resolutions this year!

1) Make One Solid Resolution: You are going to have a much higher chance of reaching your main goal if you channel all of your energy into changing one thing in your life.

2) Do Not Wait Until New Year's Eve For A Change: If you want the greatest chance of success, you will want to think about what you want and need to change in your life.

3) Look Ahead And Not Back: You may feel like you should take a second shot at resolutions you might not have succeeded at.

4) Be The Lone Wolf: Do not feel the need to choose what everyone else is. Decide what you want out of life and choose that as an aspect of your life you want to change.

5) Step By Step: Look at your goal as a series of small steps that will lead to a greater change. Create a time table of meeting these small goals.

6) Make It Concrete: Let your family and friends know what you are out to achieve and let them help you. The added support will helo you through the tough times.

7) Motivation Is Key: Create a checklist of how achieving your goal is going to change your life.

8) Reward Yourself: When you reach one of your smaller goals, take some time and reward yourself to keep yourself motivated and focused on the bigger picture.

9) Put It In Writing: Many people find that when something is in writing it makes it more real. Consider creating a journal or computer spreadsheet, where you place your goals, milestones, and achievements.

10) Change Is Hard: It is important to understand that changing habits is hard and you will be tempted back to old habits. Treat these failures as a small setback and get right back on the horse!

Why Should You Quit Smoking?

There are millions of people across the globe who are suffering medical problems due to smoking. Smoking causes harm to the entire body and slowly destroys the body and every aspect of living. It has the ability to cause strokes, heart disease, lung disease, osteoporosis, and cataracts.

Smoking has become the number one cause of preventable deaths. In the UK alone, cigarette smoking and second-hand smoke cause an estimated 200,000 premature deaths. Out of these premature deaths:

40% are due to cancer. In fact, smoking leads to many forms of cancer including that of the lungs, larynx, mouth, esophagus, kidney, throat, pancreas, bladder, cervix, and acute myeloid leukemia.

35% of all these deaths are due from heart disease and strokes, while the remaining 25% are caused from lung disease. This includes bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma.

Did you make quitting smoking one of your resolutons this year? How are you doing?

(This is a collaborative post.) 
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