Friday 5 May 2017

Quitting Smoking by Taking up Vaping

I am writing this as a non-smoker but as someone who has witnessed how vaping can help people quit smoking. I'm 25 years of age and for all of my life, and even before I was born, my mother always smoked. When I hit my teenage years and my friends were taking up smoking, it was always something that I was never interested in. The 30+ years of smoking meant that my mother had developed a nasty "smoker's cough" and that, combined with the smell (which I hated) was enough to put me off. 

Myself and my younger sister would try and persuade her to quit but it was always met with, "I enjoy it! I don't think I'm going to stop." Fast forward to the beginning of this year and my mother was admitted to hospital with a heart problem. We originally thought it was a heart attack but it turned out to be heart failure and she needed a stent put in. While she was in hospital, she was given leaflets on quitting smoking and patches to wear. This really gave her a bit of a scare and a kick up the bum to finally quit. My sister went home that evening and threw all of her tobacco, lighters, papers and ashtrays in the bin.

On her discharge from hospital, she was glad that everything had been thrown out but I knew it would be very difficult to kick a habit that she'd had for so long. Her sister recommended vaping and she was more than willing to try it as she didn't like the patches or the chewing gum. After a few days she couldn't believe that she hadn't tried it sooner. She experimented with all the different types of flavour but her favourite is ultimately menthol (which isn't surprising as she'd smoked menthol cigarettes!).

Four months later, my mother is still vaping away and hasn't even felt the urge to have a cigarette. Her cough has almost completely gone and she is feeling a lot healthier. Even the smell of other people smoking around her doesn't make her crave one. I admit that I didn't know very much about vaping in the past so I was seriously shocked that it could help someone who loved to smoke and had no intentions of quitting, to quit! 

Do you vape? Have you heard of any vaping success stories? 

(This is a sponsored post.)
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