Monday 7 April 2014

My Second Pregnancy: 18 Week Bump Update

I'm 18 weeks pregnant. 

On Wednesday, I'll have my 16 week midwife appointment (a bit late, I know) and I am extremely nervous. I'll have to get my blood pressure taken and urine sample tested and I am terrified. At my 12 week scan, I spoke to my consultant who told me that there is no reason why I can't have a VBAC providing that my blood pressure behaves itself throughout my entire pregnancy. So keep your fingers crossed that everything will be good. I don't want to go through another cesarean section!

This week my lower back has been aching and I've been getting a pain in my right hip area. I don't know what this could be. Maybe the baby lying on a nerve? It seems to hurt more when I move suddenly or cross my legs. 

At 18 weeks my baby roughly measures 12cm and weighs around 190g. Her chest is mimicking breathing, her blood vessels are visible through her thin skin and her ears are now in their final position. 

As I'm having a girl, by this stage all of her 'girly bits' including her uterus and Fallopian tubes are in place! 

3 comments on "My Second Pregnancy: 18 Week Bump Update"
  1. I take it you had a private scan to find out the sex did you?

    I've been getting awful pain in the bottom of my spine. The bit just above your bum. I can't sit for any longer than about 10 mins without being in pain.

    Hope all goes well at the 16 week appointment. Xx

  2. Aww you have such a cute bump x hoping that your bp stays normal hun so you can have your VBAC XX

  3. Hi Rebecca Congratulations!. Those picture are great and you really got an awesome bump. Hope everything is going well and you doing great and excited. Lower Back pain during pregnancy are common since you are gaining weight, your center of gravity changes and your hormones are relaxing the ligaments in your pelvis, it is always good to maintain good posture and sleeping on sides will do better. Good Luck
