Friday 26 September 2014

E at 3 Weeks

E is three weeks old!

This week, we had a bit of trouble with her feeding. She was originally taking 4oz every 4 hours but she began finishing those bottles and still wanting more so we'd make her an extra 2oz. She really wanted to finish it but her belly was too small and couldn't handle it so she seemed constantly hungry and frustrated. We did think that 6oz every 4 hours was an awful lot for a 3 week old to be taking so we changed her onto hungry baby milk. I'd love to say that she has been more settled but unfortunately we think she has colic so we've bought some Infacol in the hope that it helps.

She is still wearing First Size and Tiny Baby (although some are getting too small) and we've started wearing some 'up to 1mth' outfits.

She is awake for longer periods and being out in her pram really helps her to sleep.

She now weighs 8lbs 3oz. Just over 1lb bigger than her birth weight!

She has started not settling unless Chris and I are holding her so we have begun swaddling and it seems like we have tricked her. I hope it continues to work!

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