I think my bump looks smaller this week than last week!
This week I've found it harder to do silly things like roll over in bed. It takes me a couple of minutes! I'm also pretty sure I've started to waddle too.
I've got a real pressure under my ribs which is worsened after eating. It's so uncomfortable.
My tummy has been a little bit itchy which I'm putting down to the skin stretching but I haven't developed any new stretchmarks, thankfully!
Heartburn is getting increasingly worse, especially at bedtime and I've started getting strange pregnancy dreams. I never ever remember any of my dreams but these ones are just too weird!
One good aspect is that this week I've realised that my hair seems to be less greasy!? I was sure that pregnancy made your hair worse. Before, I would need to wash my hair every other day but now I can go two days without washing it!
I always said that I hated slogan maternity tops such as "Hands off the Bump" or "Does my Bump Look Big in This?" but I spotted this gorgeous top in Mothercare for £10 and I couldn't resist!
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