Thursday 8 May 2014

Pregnancy+ App - Review

I am addicted to my iPhone. It's never out of my hand so when I fell pregnant it was a cert that I'd download a pregnancy app. 

I had the chance to try out a great app from called Pregnancy+. Now, this app has a paid version and a free version, but I'm going to speak about the paid version first. 

When you first open the app, you are prompted to enter either your Estimated Due Date (EDD) if you know it or the first day of your Last Menstrual Period (LMP) and it will work out roughly how far along you are. You can also connect up with Facebook. 

The main menu looks like this:

I have connected my Facebook account so my profile picture is displayed in the corner. As I have filled in my due date as being 8th September, I get a high quality image of roughly how my baby would look at this stage of pregnancy and a timeline of how far I am.

If you scroll down, you can get an RSS feed of the Health and Parenting's daily blog which is filled with great pregnancy tips and information; information of your due date; more information about thoughts or worries that you may have; weekly information about your baby, body, health & tips and information for your partner; images of how your baby might look at the stage of pregnancy that you are currently at in the form of a 2D scan, high quality image and 3D scan; a size guide which compares your babys size to fruit or vegetables; a place to chart your weekly weight changes which is then graphed; a handy calendar to save your appointment dates and times, you can set alarms too; a to-do list which is very handy for pregnant ladies suffering with 'baby brain'; a place to save your monthly belly photo alongside how your baby is positioned in your womb; a list to select and shortlist your favourite baby names; a checklist of things that you may need to buy for your baby and you can even tick them off once you have purchased them; a phone number list - very handy to store your midwife and maternity units numbers; and information about the app.

If you tap on the 'buttons' (play, baby, me and more) along the bottom you will get the following information:

Play - a slideshow of how your baby is growing alongside an estimated length and weight. I think that this is a lovely way to bond with your baby as you more or less know how your baby is looking.

Baby - daily information on any thoughts or worries that you may have (also available in the main menu); weekly information about your baby (also available in the main menu); images of how your baby might look at the stage of pregnancy that you are currently at in the form of a 2D scan, high quality image and 3D scan (also available in the main menu); a size guide which compares your babys size to fruit or vegetables (also available in the main menu); a timeline which tells you what is happening at each stage for example, at 22 weeks the baby will begin to develop voice recognition and at 27 weeks it has a good survival rate if born at that stage; and a kick counter which is a lovely way to document your babys movements.

Me - guides on: food (what to eat, not to eat, vitamins & minerals, how much to eat and weight gain), labour (preparing for labour, signs of labour, stages, positions, breathing, information on different types of births and birth companion), exercise (general tips, why exercise, exercises to avoid, enjoyable activities and pelvic floor exercises), medical (medication, pain relief, induced labour, assisted births, when to call a doctor); a place to chart your weekly weight changes which is then graphed (also available in the main menu); a place to save your monthly belly photo alongside how your baby is positioned in your womb (also available in the main menu); information about what a birth plan is and you can even select your birth wishes from a handy checklist such as who you want and don't want in the room with you, how you would like to be monitored, what pain relief you would like and many more!; handy calendar to save your appointment dates and times, you can set alarms too (also available from the main menu); a to-do list (also available from the main menu).

More - app settings, list of phone numbers (also available from the main menu); a list to select and shortlist your favourite baby names (also available from the main menu); a list of things that you may need to buy for your baby (also available from the main menu); a list of what to pack in your hospital bag, your partner's bag and your baby bag; a contraction timer.

I really don't think that anything has been missed out or overlooked with this app. As a second time mum I am still finding out things that I never knew and the checklists are fabulous so I'm sure a first-time mum would feel very at ease using the app during pregnancy. The paid app costs £1.99 and it is available on the App Store, Windows Store or Google Play, but if, like me, you're a bit dubious about paying for something without knowing whether it's really worth the money, you can always download the free app first. The free version only gives you information on the first 14 weeks of your pregnancy so you will have plenty of time to try it out and maybe purchase the paid version later.

I am really enjoying using this app and it has made me feel comforted knowing how my body is changing, baby is growing and is keeping me organised when it comes to purchases!

(Disclaimer: I received the paid for version for my iPhone free of charge in exchange for an open and honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.)

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