Wednesday 10 December 2014

Siblings: December 2014

Toddler C and Baby E continue to amaze me every month. C now knows exactly what his role is as a big brother - a protector - and E already looks up to him. I can tell.

E loves to watch C. No matter what he's doing. Her eyes follow him around the room, happily taking everything in. C loves to go over and talk to her and every time he does, she has a huge smile on his face.

He's constantly kissing and hugging her, pointing things out and telling what they are, bringing her book and "reading" them to her. He loves cuddling with her on the sofa and sometimes he even tries to take her from me if I'm holding her just to hold her himself.

I love how much they love each other already and I just hope it continues.

dear beautiful
2 comments on "Siblings: December 2014"
  1. Look how cute these two are together! They adore each other, that's very clear to see. Lovely wee photo hun! x

  2. Aww he looks like such relaxed big brother, it's very clear he adores her!
