Tuesday 15 December 2015

Christmas Gift Ideas: Moochies Phone Watch

C is only little so doesn't play out on the street yet, but when he does I know I'll be absolutely terrified as I can't see him every second of every day. I have maybe 2 year before this starts and at 5 he will, in my opinion, definitely be too young to carry a mobile phone around with him so this is where Moochies comes in.

The Moochies phone watch is amazing! We received a watch for C and a phone which had the app pre-downloaded (Chris searched and it is easy enough to find on Android too). The phone watch takes a micro SIM card which can be on any network provided it gets 2G coverage. We have a pre-paid one that came with the watch and you can purchase these alongside your watch.

The phone watch has voice calling, parent set contact numbers, an SOS button (which when pressed sends an alert to the parents phone), GPS tracking, safe zones and also a watch function.

With the labelling to show which button does what. This can be removed.

The parent can set up two numbers that the child can call by simply pressing a button but have 20 numbers that can call the phone which makes it great for grandparents and other relatives. The voice calling is so clear and C thought it was great fun being able to talk to mummy through his watch.

The GPS has been wonderful for me when we take C to our local park. In the past I'd keep him either on his reins or by my side when all he really wants to do is run around. The watch has given me peace of mind that if he does go a little too far for a second, I'll know straight away where he is.

The Moochies watch is, in my eyes, an amazing concept. I've suffered from anxiety since C's birth and I honestly think this will be a huge help now and also as C (and E!) gets older. 

The watch retails at £79.99 and you can purchase it from the Moochies website. You can also keep up to date on Facebook.

(Disclaimer: We received this item for the purpose of this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.)

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