Monday 14 December 2015

Specsavers Minions Range

We (and by 'we' I mean C) were recently invited along to Specsavers to take a peek at their new Minions range. When the email first landed in my inbox, I honestly thought it couldn't be more perfect for C. I wear glasses and he is absolutely obsessed with them. He has lots of toy glasses which he loves wearing himself or making his toys wear. Minions is another one of his loves - like most children! He also hadn't had an eye test in quite a while.

I booked C in for his appointment at the Ann Street branch in Belfast and as we had never been to Specsavers, they had some initial tests to do. I imagined that this would be easy enough, and it probably is, but C decided that he did not want to co-operate at all. He kept saying, "bye bye" and "I don't like it!" In the end we decided just to let the optometrist know that he wasn't comfortable with it.

When we went upstairs to the optometrists room, we attempted some more tests. He was absolutely fine when it came to telling us what the symbols were but trying to cover one eye while checking the other or getting him to wear the frames to test lenses was terrible! So much so that what happened next is probably the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me. C pointed at the optometrist, pointed at the door and told her, "Get out!" I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me. I couldn't apologise enough but I have to commend the optometrist on how professional she was. She laughed it off and said that they have plenty of young children in who are uncooperative and I had nothing to worry about.

Due to C's tantrums, she couldn't give me a proper result of his test. The only thing that she could tell me sure was that he didn't have a squint. Obviously, we didn't get to try a pair of Minions glasses but I was able to sneak a peek at the range whilst I was in store.

The Minions range have glasses for both girls and boy in a variety of shapes and colours - I especially loved the little pink ones! The arms all have little images of our favourite characters on and I think that if C did need glasses, the fact that they have Minions on them would make him very excited to wear them.
Let's keep our fingers crossed that our eye test goes a bit more smoothly next time!

You can check out the Minion range at your local Specsavers now.

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