Saturday 27 February 2016

Look in my Letterbox #46

This week has been so busy with post! I fell into a bit of a blogging slump around Christmas time so I stopped accepting review items but I'm back into the swing of things so I've lots of nice reviews coming soon. As ever, I'm linking up with Look in my Letterbox.

 I won these from Minene on Instagram back in December. They're super cute - I love bandana bibs. They look great with outfits and they're useful at the same time!

 This was a win from Jools Drinks on Twitter. I love green tea so I'm sure they'll be a hit (they're still in my fridge unopened - I think I'll have one after I publish this post!)

Men's razor
I won this from Beauty at Tesco on Twitter. They had 100 to give away. Super handy for Chris.
Shaun the Sheep book & Icing 
This was a win from Renshaw Baking on Facebook. They were celebrating the release of the new Shaun the Sheep DVD. C loves Shaun so he's pleased!

Baker Ross Easter crafts
 I love receiving these craft bits from Baker Ross. This box is overly exciting because C is obsessed with eggs, something with stems from watching Kinder egg opening videos on YouTube. I know the Chick Eggs will be well received.

Bobux shoes
 Oh these are so beautiful! E has been walking for around 2 months now so I was delighted to get the opportunity to review for Bobux. 

Ella's Kitchen toddler snacks
 We've reviewed Ella's Kitchen in the past and the kids have loved the range. These are their new toddler and big kid snacks. We've tried a few already and they've been gobbled up in record time.

Naturelly Jelly Juice
We received a few flavours of the Naturelly Jelly to try plus a box of four for me to giveaway to one of my readers so keep an eye out for the review soon!

Blue Kangaroo book series 
Kids book reviews are my favourite posts to write. We're excited about introducing these at bedtime.

Bits & Bows bows

Bobbins bows 
I bought bows from both of the above shops in their Sale Nights on Instagram. I couldn't resist!

When I opened this I had no idea where it was from but I've since been informed that it was from a freebie form that I filled in. No recollection of it!
Eye drops 
 These are a giveaway prize that will be going up before the end of this weekend so check back!

Did you receive anything nice this week?
4 comments on "Look in my Letterbox #46"
  1. What a fantastic week you've had ! We've tried the Naturelly drinks they are a big hit in our house.

  2. Oh wow you did good girl!

    I love the Jools bottles, I'd want them regardless of the taste lol

  3. A very busy week! But a week is not complete without bows ;)
    Thanks for linking up with #LIML
