Tuesday 26 April 2016

E at 19 Months

I am so late with this post. E turned 19 months on the 5th of the month and if I'm honest, I don't think much has changed since my last update about her. 

Her speech is incredible. We have a wooden abacus with the alphabet and image relating to the letter and she repeats every one when I show her and it's like she files it away for use later. She just randomly comes out with the words. I hear "whatsat?" constantly and then she just answers her own question and tells me what the item she's pointing at is.

She is still Frozen obsessed but she has also developed a love for Bing (Bim!), In The Night Garden (especially Makka Pakka and Iggle Piggle) and My Little Pony, or boh-me" as she likes to call them.

We have a few teeth coming through and the bottom two next to the front ones have just cut. They don't seem to be giving her much bother and I actually didn't even know she was teething until I saw them through already! I'm really lucky that she does so well with teething.

I haven't had her weight and measured in about a year! She still hasn't had her one year check. She is snugly in 18-24 month clothing with size 4 feet and she could eat me out of house and home so I think she's bang on target.

We recently had a trip to the park and her brother can be very apprehensive and need reassurance for everything but with E, she just goes off on her own and does what she likes. C was taking too long getting up the steps to the slide so she just shoved him out of the way and went to climb up in front of him!

She has been getting embarrassed for the first time, usually when strangers speak to her. She'll turn her head away and blush. At home she chats a lot but when we're out and lots of other people are around she will sit quietly and just take everything in.

We are potty training her brother at the moment (I'll do a separate post on how we're getting on next week) and every time he sits on the potty, she takes herself off to sit on the other one - with her nappy on, of course! She copies everything her big brother does but this also has its drawbacks because she's learned phrases like "let go", "go away" and most annoyingly, "mine!"

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