Monday 21 September 2015

Look in my Letterbox #24

This week has been so busy for me post-wise. On Saturday alone I had 6 parcels from Royal Mail and 2 different couriers! As ever, I'm linking up with Alice Megan's Look in my Letterbox.


Hand sanitiser 
I won this from Talk Health on Twitter. It's only a little win but it will be great to carry in the changing bag and it came when I hadn't won anything for a while so it was nice to spur me on.

Baby Born
I won this from Zapf Creation on Twitter and I've put it away for E for Christmas.

2 bow headbands
I won this on Instagram from @babysfirst_x. If you read my 'LIML' post every week, you'll know I'm obsessed with bows! I chose the colours myself and now realise I have nothing for E that matches the green so I'll have to buy her a new outfit now, ha!

Fairy non-bio
This was a Winneroo win! I love wins like this. It's so handy and will save us a bit of money.

Hair accessories
I won £10 to spend at @rosesandbows on Instagram and I chose these. Aren't they beautiful!?

Clinique travel set
I have no idea where this is from!

Leopard bows
I won these for me for a change! They're from Sugared Accessories on Facebook.


Hello Baby Direct items
I received these bits from Hello Baby to try out. They will be great for C!

Squeaky Jumper
C got this jumper to review too- how fun!


The Nightmare Before Christmas tees
These are from the wonderful @missboosboutique on Instagram. As soon as I saw them I couldn't not buy them!

Skirt for E
@auroracoutureuk, one of my favourite Instagram shops, is closing as she's going to uni so she had a sale on leftover stock. I snapped up this skirt for E for only £5 including postage! Once I received it, I realised I had nothing for her to wear it with (its pale yellow/cream with blue hearts) so naturally, I bought her a blue decorated vest to match so expect that in next weeks post!

@leahannboutique 's Instagram market night always gets me! She posted a sneak peek of the zebra one beforehand and I knew I had to have it. She only had one available so I snooped in as fast as I could and managed to get my hands on it. So chuffed!

Little mermaid set
I had to get E this beautiful Ariel set from @darcybeautique on Instagram. I'm so in love with it!


Jake Doc Martens 
It was C's birthday today so my dad bought these for him and had them sent to my house. He loves Adventure Time so he's delighted with them!

Orchard at Tesco vouchers
I signed up for Orchard at Tesco ages ago and opted to participate in the chilled and frozen desserts study but I never received my vouchers - boo! I signed up for the fresh fish one and they actually arrived - woohoo! I love fish so they'll be handy for me.

We're so lucky that E has been chosen to be brand rep for another of my favourite Instagram boutiques - @brionys_bowtique. The lady who runs it is the loveliest lady ever and I'm so chuffed to be part of her team. These bows came as our first rep parcel!

Did you receive anything nice this week?

4 comments on "Look in my Letterbox #24"
  1. Ohhhhh wow love the jumper and doll! Lovely lot of posts.

  2. I love your wins.
    I got the Clinique set too - I think it may have been a 'first 100 free' form x
    Loving the DMs and of course the Jack Tshirt & vest x

  3. Haha you're literally bow crazy!
    Thanks for linking up with #LIML as ever

  4. So many bows! I'm a bit of a bow fiend too - there is no occasion which does not call for a bow. ;)
