Today I had my last appointment with my midwife. I've had really bad swelling in my feet/ankles and legs but I was pretty sure that it was normal swelling as I've had no other pre-eclampsia symptoms. I wore leggings and pumps to show the midwife and she asked if I had any pain in the back of my calves (which I haven't) so it just seemed that it could be down to being at this stage plus the heat.
My blood pressure came back at 120/80 so it was perfectly normal and like I expected, urine was clear. My bump is measuring 36cm but that's fine as I've always been a week behind.
As my iron levels were so low at 28 weeks, I needed them checked again because I'm so close to the birth so this meant I needed more blood taken - always my favourite thing to hear! :(
According to my notes, the baby is still cephalic thankfully, but free. I wonder when she will start to engage?
I see the consultant at the hospital tomorrow for some reason (I don't know why they've given me appointments so close) so I'm imagining that nothing will have changed! Maybe they will scan me again, I love seeing her :)
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