Monday 10 November 2014

Christmas Gift Ideas for Kids: Toddlebike

Toddlebikes are pre-balance bikes for toddlers (the clue's in the name!). As I don't drive and Chris is currently only learning, we tend to use C's buggy quite a lot when we go out as he gets very tired walking so far.

He was recently given the opportunity try a Toddlebike out. C has quite a lot of ride-ons but he doesn't quite "get" how to use them properly so I was interested to see how he'd take to it. It's a gorgeous little bike. Very brightly coloured and made from sturdy plastic but only weighing 0.8kg meaning C can carry it and move it around by himself, or I can hang it on the buggy without it being a pain! The plastic also means that it is easily wiped clean.

(Apologies for the blurry photos - trying to snap a pic of a moving child is impossible!)

When I first let C have a try on it, he kept sitting on the green frame rather than the seat but I only had to show him once how to use it properly and he took to it straight away. It quickly became one of his favourite toys and he plays on it every day. Now, he speeds along on it like there's no tomorrow and finds it very easy to steer. It's just as easy to use outside too. I think he likes the fact that he can get places quicker!

Toddlebikes are suitable for children aged 1-3 (as soon as they are confidently walking which is usually around 15 months). At 26 months, I find that C is hunched over a little so I am unsure if it will do him until 3 years old but he is quite tall!

I honestly cannot recommend the Toddlebike enough as C absolutely adores it. It's a fantastic first bike and I think he loves the freedom that comes with it!
The Toddlebike retails at £23.95 and you can buy it at the online shop. It's available in primary, pink & neon colours. You can find out more about Toddlebike at their website, Facebook & Twitter.

(Disclaimer: We received this item free of charge in exchange for an open and honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.)

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