Thursday 13 November 2014

World Prematurity Day - 17th Nov 2014: Ickle Pickles Children's CharityNeed You!

As you all probably know from my posts and blog moniker, C was born prematurely. He came into the world seven weeks early and spent the first 17 days of his life in NICU/SCBU. We were lucky in the sense that he had no lasting developmental problems and he's now a happy and healthy two year old. 

World Prematurity Day is on the 17th November 2014 and Ickles Pickles Children's Charity need your help with their campaign. 

They have come up with the idea of a virtual 'kangaroo huddle' where people post photographs of themselves cuddling their 'Ickle Pickle' no matter how old they are now. There is no limit to how many people can be included in the picture either. 

All Ickle Pickles Children's Charity want you to do is email your #kangaroohuddle picture to stating your child's name (or initial if you'd prefer), how many weeks gestation they were born and the hospital in which they were born. You can also tweet your photo to @IcklePickles using the hashtags #kangaroohuddle #worldprematurityday #borntoosoon & #kangaroocare

The charity will then share your photo in order to raise awareness of World Prematurity Day and the amazing work that neonatal teams do. 

This is my #kangaroohuddle with C who was born at 33 weeks and started his life at the Royal Jubilee Maternity Hospital in Belfast. 

You can find out more about the charity at the website (or Twitter) and even give a donation :)

(Disclaimer: I did not receive financial compensation for this post. This is a cause that is close to my heart.)

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