Friday 1 May 2015

Mia & Dom Skincare

Mia & Dom Organic Skincare was set up by Jennifer Feltham who is a herbalist. The range specialises in herbal products for both mothers and babies. Her business blossomed from her desire to use only natural products on her own children Mia & Dominic.

Jennifer had been experimenting with making "lotions and potions" since the age of 8, then she went on to gain experience and qualifications in herbal medicine and aromatherapy.

Her objective is to use the best ingredients to provide customers with beautiful, organic, natural and safe skin care for their family. The products are gentle on delicate skin, eczema-friendly and free from harsh chemicals.

All of their products are based on ancient wisdom. Carefully selected herbs like calendula combine with lavender and rose hip, which are renowned for their soothing and relaxing properties, to calm the skin of both babies and mothers. 

The range is aimed primarily at pregnant mothers, new mothers and babies but they also can be used by younger women and older men who want to look after their skin naturally. 

I was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to try some of the range for myself. The items arrived in a beautiful white box with mint ribbon, keeping with the colour scheme of the products. 

I received Calming Baby Massage Oil, Organic Bottom Balm, Morning Sickness Balm & Spearmint and Lavender Lip Balm. 

Calming Baby Massage Oil (£14.99 per 100ml)

I had never done any baby massage before but I was willing to give it a go. Before E's bed time, I would massage the oil into her skin for a short while in the hope that it would set her up for a good nights' sleep. The ingredients (apricot kernel oil, safflower seed oil, sunflower seed oil, rose hip fruit oil, rose hip seed extract, marigold flower oil, Roman chamomile essential oil, lavender essential oil, Vitamin E and Rosemary leaf extract) mean that it is naturally sweet and fragrant and smells beautiful. As well as been soothing for your baby, it's great to take care of your hands too. 

Organic Bottom Balm (£10.99 per 50ml)

This came at the perfect time. E is in the teething stage so that means lots of nappy rashes! I began using the balm straight away and after a few days I did notice that her bottom not only felt softer but it wasn't as red. I have to admit that I wasn't expecting the scent of it as it's not like any other bum cream I've used before. I think that's down to the fact that there are no fragrances added to it to make it smell "nice" which is great as they are likely to irritate skin. The bottom balm is made only from safflower seed oil, sunflower seed oil, castor seed oil, Tamanu seed oil, beeswax, marigold flower extract, Vitamin E, rose hip seed extract, lavender essential oil, Roman chamomile essential oil and Rosemary leaf extract.

Morning Sickness Balm (£6.99 per 30ml)

I am not pregnant at the moment so I cannot give an honest opinion on how this works while you're in the throes of morning sickness. This balm is made up of sweet almond seed oil, beeswax, Shea butter, cocoa butter, spearmint leaf oil and ginger root oil. Ginger is always recommended for morning sickness so the fact that it is included is great. The mint is the primary scent though. It works by being rubbed on either your temples, under your nose or your lips. 

This is my favourite of the lot. I love anything minty so I knew even before I oopened it that I would love it. My lips are always drying out and I felt that this balm kept them moist and soft. The combination of sweet almond seed oil, beeswax, Shea butter, cocoa butter, spearmint lead oil and lavender essential oil make it the perfect product to put on your lips. 

The Mia & Dom range are made up from many of the same ingredients and I cannot recommend them enough. They have quite an extensive range including candles and even gift sets which would be perfect for newly expectant mothers or mothers who have recently given birth. 

You can find the full range at the Mia & Dom shop. You can also keep up to date on Facebook and Twitter

(Disclaimer: I received these items for the purpose of this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.)

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