Monday 1 June 2015

What I've Won: May 2015

May was another relatively good month when it came to competition wins. Here's what I won:

1) A memory animal (RRP £35) from Sewing Memories 

I had planned on getting E one of these for her birthday so I was over the moon to have won one. It's a cat made from pieces of E's tiny babygrows with her name and date of birth stitched on. I cannot wait to receive it.

2) Dress (RRP £15) from Miiaan UK

3) Room to Grow dotty storage bag (£30) from What the Redhead Said

4) Bravado nursing tank (RRP £36) & briefs (£15) from Bravado Designs UK & Europe

5) Photo album (RRP £36) from Hello Baby Blog

6) Boohoo charity t-shirt (RRP £10) and £20 charity donation (I chose Bliss) from Give As You Live

7) Galt Song Bird (RRP £10.99) from Galt

8) 3 pairs bloomers (RRP £35) from Lilah's Baby Boutique

That's £242.99 worth!

How have you done this month?

4 comments on "What I've Won: May 2015"
  1. That is amazing! How much time do you spend entering competitions each day?

  2. Morna, I sit from when my kids go to bed (around 7/8pm ish) til about 2am entering with the occasional one during the day if i'm scrolling on facebook or twitter on my phone. It's a lot of effort but it's worth it, i think!

  3. Wow! Well done!! I need to enter more :D

  4. Doing well :-) I had one win - but it was something I really wanted x
