Saturday 4 July 2015

Munchkin Miracle 360 Trainer Cup

With E getting older, we've been trying to find the best cup for her to drink water out of whilst having meals or dealing with this unbearable heat we've been having lately! As part of our role as Munchkin Bloggers, we received one of their Miracle 360 Trainer Cups to try out.

The cup holds 7oz of water and it really is amazing! I have lost count at the amount of cups we have own over the years but this one is definitely at the top.

The cups' 360 name comes from the fact that your child can drink from it at any point around the rim. Your child is encouraged to work their muscles to suck. This opens the seal so they can get the water then it seals itself when your child is finished so you don't have any spills or leaks. The only thing E struggles with a little is tipping it up so I need to give her a hand but she is better at doing that now than she was a few months ago. I feel like it's really given her confidence and it has become one of our favourites.

It comes with the lid, tumbler and double handle so it's really easy to clean too.

The cup is BPA free and suitable from 6 months+.

As you can see, we received the green and pink version but it is also available in white and blue at a price of only £4.99.

You can find out more at the Munchkin website and you can follow them on Facebook and Twitter.

(Disclaimer: We received this cup as part of our role as Munchkin/Lindam Bloggers. All thoughts and opinions are my own.)

1 comment on "Munchkin Miracle 360 Trainer Cup"
  1. I was kindly given a one of these at Britmums for my son in blue and he love's it. It is the only beaker that he has actually drank out of as he refused every other one we tried him with x
