Friday 17 July 2015

Siblings: July 2015

I actually forgot all about my Siblings post and I was so sure that I hadn't taken any photographs of C and E this month. After browsing, I realised that I did have a few but nowhere near as many as I normally do. I always like to have natural photos of the kids playing together. They make me feel so happy. 

This month they have been closer than ever. E is crawling very quickly and can pull herself up on anything she finds. This means that she's always over wanting to join in with whatever game her big brother is playing. He enjoys it most of the time but depending on what toys he has, he can get a little annoyed. On one occasion he pushed her the whole way to the other side of the room and whilst she was crawling, he picked up her two feet like she was a wheelbarrow and tried to drag her to her pram because she "had to go in it" as she was annoying him so much. She takes it in her stride, bless her, and just laughs as she thinks he's playing. Sometime C will even go play in another room just to get some peace but I suppose that's the joy of having a little sister. 

It's not all annoyance though. C is very interested now in the fact that she is becoming more mobile. He laughs when E is standing up and his favourite thing to do it hold her sides and try to wiggle her. It must be so strange for him to see her grow and not just be a tiny baby anymore. He loves his morning cuddles with her and still loves to give her tickles. He is learning to share his toys which is beautiful to watch. 

C trying to help his little sister learn to walk

dear beautiful
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