Friday 17 April 2015

Munchkin Scooper Hooper

C loves having baths and I think it's down to the fact that he likes to play with different toys. Ones that he doesn't play with day in, day out. 

As part of being a Munchkin Blogger we received the Scooper Hooper

The Scooper Hooper is two toys in one. You get the 'scooper' and three rubber balls. Firstly, you can play by letting the balls float in the water and trying to scoop them with the 'scooper'. The handle is easy grip so it's perfect for C's little hands to hold. He had lots of fun trying to catch the balls as they floated by him. It's great for hand-eye coordination too!

Alternatively, the 'scooper' has a suction pad at the end of the handle so it can be stuck onto the side of the bath. Your child can then use the balls as basketballs and try to get them in the net of the scooper. C preferred this game better. 

The colourfulness of the scooper and balls combined with the different textures and game that can be played makes it the perfect bath toy for children. 

The Scooper Hooper is suitable for children aged 12 months + and it retails at £5.99. 

You can find out more at the Munchkin website. You can also follow them on Facebook and Twitter.

(Disclaimer: We received this item as part of our role as Munchkin/Lindam Bloggers. All thoughts and opinions are my own.)

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