Wednesday 15 April 2015

Siblings: April 2015

I posted last month that C had gone a bit 'off' E but things couldn't be more different now. 

E is now walking in her walker more and more interested in playing. C loves this and is always over playing with her, talking to her and just generally making her laugh. 

When the two of them are together, the smiles and laughs are neverending. 

The only real issue we have is when C is playing with a toy, E will try to take it of him and he gets a bit annoyed and will push her away. I think that's to be expected though. E doesn't know what she's doing and C just wants to play with his toys! 

On some occasions, C just isn't in the mood to deal with her playfulness and is a big grump. When this happens, I just let him do his own thing and keep E at a distance!

dear beautiful
2 comments on "Siblings: April 2015"
  1. Awww such happy photos of them both- what a lovely pair of siblings! x

  2. Love the photos, I'm glad they are over their off stage. My son also went through this. We are having the same issues with the iPad, Ethan doesn't want to share and Little E is all over it lol. He also tries to move her where he thinks she should be, it's all fun x
