Monday 23 March 2015

Gummee Glove

When C was small baby and teething, he'd constantly be chewing on his fists. I tried everything to settle him but he couldn't hold teethers in his mouth because his grasp wasn't good enough and it would slip and fall out. This left him frustrated and me having to put it in his hand every five minutes just wasn't feasible when I had housework and other stuff to be doing.

Fast forward two years and here I am with another little teething baby who is having the same problem. Enter Gummee Glove.

Gummee Glove is a revolutionary product. It is quite literally a glove with teethers attached. It seems so simple but it is amazing. The Gummee Glove is for babies aged 3-6 months. E received hers at 6 months but it fits her hand perfectly and fastens using a little bit of Velcro.

Each side of the mitten has a biteable teether with little bumps on and there is a bigger teether at the top. The top teether can be removed as it is held in place with a popper. E loves the little "tags" on the sides. The panel on the back makes a crinkle noise which she also loves. It comes with a travel bag too which is so handy for me as I stick it in the changing bag and don't have to worry about it getting dirty. It also doubles up as a little wash bag for the glove too.

Quite a few times, I've taken the bigger teether out to try her with it but we still have that problem with E dropping it. When she is wearing the Gummee Glove, she lifts it to her mouth with ease and can chomp away on any teether on the mitten. She will happily sit chewing on her Glove without crying so I know she must be getting relief from it.

I use a cold water steriliser and I've been putting the big teether in when it has fallen and it hasn't affected it at all. It can be steam sterilised too.

The Gummee Glove will be available from the end of March and will retail at £12.99. You can find out more about them at the Gummee Glove website or you can follow them on Facebook and Twitter.

(Disclaimer: We received this item for the purpose of this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.)

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