Monday 16 March 2015

Train! by Judi Abbot

I've repeated this so many times on the blog - C is such a bookworm! They are completely taking over my house but I wouldn't have it any other way.

When Little Tiger Press sent us one of their new releases - Train! by Judi Abbot - C's little face lit up. Another new book!

Train is already an award-winning book but, due to popular demand, it is now available as a board book meaning little ones can turn the pages on their own.

The story is lovely and something that I think most children can relate to.

Elephant wants to play only with his train but his friends Cat, Penguin and Rabbit all want to play with different toys so they face the dilemma of how to play nicely together. It's a lovely way to teach children to share their toys and to play with one another but also teach them that there are other toys out there to play with.

C loves me reading this book to him as it contains everything that he is interested in - animals, trains and cars! He has particularly enjoyed looking at the illustrations and telling me what things are as well as trying to copy what I'm reading when we get into the repetitive bits! The pictures are bright and colourful and captures little ones attention.

Train! by Judi Abbot is suitable for children aged 3-5 years but 2.5 year old C has no problem with it. At 30 pages he did lose interest a little bit but it may just be because he is a little under the age range.

It retails at £4.99 and is available from Amazon

(Disclaimer: We received this book for the purpose of this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.)

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