Saturday 1 August 2015

British Red Cross: Baby & Child First Aid App #RappedUp

Before I had children, I was quite a worrier. Then when C was born, this increased tenfold and my anxiety shot through the roof. This tiny person would rely on me for every little thing that they needed. What if I couldn't protect him or something happened that was out of my control? When he was around 10 months old, we were in the throes of weaning and he was having finger foods. I remember he got a piece of food lodged in his throat. This made me panic, which scared him, but luckily his daddy had done a First Aid course and he knew what to do. The whole ordeal was probably only a few seconds long but it felt like a lifetime and tears were streaming down my face. I was so lucky that he was at home that day and knew what to do. I couldn't believe that I had failed to learn such an essential life skill that all parents should definitely know.

There are approximately 3,600,000 parents of under 5's in the UK. Parents usually feel the need to learn First Aid in their last trimester of pregnancy up until their child is 8 months old. Around two thirds of parents would like more information of First Aid and it is one of the top skills that parents say they wish they'd learned before having children.

The British Red Cross have made it really easy for all parents to learn the importance of First Aid skills specifically for babies and children through their free app. In addition to this, you can also attend First Aid courses throughout the UK. These are great for parents of children aged between 0-12 years or you can learn online too. It's so simple so there is no reason that parents shouldn't know this lifesaving advice.

The British Red Cross app is completely free (you can download it from the App Store and Google Play Store) and it already has positive reviews and a four star rating on the Apple App Store. It covers absolutely everything; anything that you can think of and I can't believe I have done without the app for so long. 

Upon opening the app, you are advised to tap the middle button labelled 'Emergency' if you find yourself in an emergency situation. This will bring up a list of possible scenarios and you choose which emergency you are in. Once you have found your topic, it gives advice on what to do and in what order, it even has videos for more effective help.

The app also helps you learn what to do in certain scenarios and how to prepare for things like hot weather, travelling and lots of other occasions. It can run a test to check how well you are absorbing the information that you're learning from the app and lastly, you can update your child or children's records so you have a handy note of their medications and allergies. One of my favourite things was in the 'Prepare' section, where there is an improvised First Aid Kit. It tells you about things that you have around the home that will work well in a crisis such as using a credit card or library card to remove a bee sting or using beer, juice or milk to cool burns. There is so much information packed into this totally free app and it is definitely an essential for all parents.

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