Wednesday 5 August 2015

E at 11 months

I am seriously finding it hard to believe that my tiny baby girl is 11 months old. Where has the past year gone?

I can see her changing from a baby to a toddler more and more every day. She has begun pulling herself up to stand against the sofa (or anything she gets her hands on, really!) and cruising the sofa too. She has been a little more adventurous lately and lets go for a few seconds before realising that she isn't steady and quickly grabs hold of something. 

E is always wanting be on her feet so I really don't think it will be long before she is walking. 

She is quite clever and her little personality is starting to shine through. I just know she's going to be as funny as her brother. She loves the camera - especially when the flash is on!

She loves giving everyone kisses though they are a little slobbery! Speech-wise we only have 'mama', 'dada' and 'ta ta'. She has made some noises that sound like words but I can't be 100% sure that she knows what she's saying. 

She has developed a love for TV shows thanks to her big bro! Twirlywoos, In The Night Garden and Pocoyo are her favourites. She also loves stealing C'a toys. 

E still wears some 9-12 month clothing but the majority are 12-18 months. She is so tall! She is having three meals a day and absolutely loves her food. She will gobble up anything I give her and even tries to take C's too! She is still taking a morning and bedtime bottle but I think I need to drop the morning one soon. 

I can't believe this time next month I will be writing her one year update. I must get panic buying presents!

1 comment on "E at 11 months"
  1. Ahhh, they do grow up so fast, don't they!? I love slobbery kisses the best ;-)
