Monday 22 July 2013

Win a Personalised Maternity T-shirt from Personalised Pregnancy

Personalised Pregnancy is a fab new website from the creators of MumStuff. At Personalised Pregnancy you can find personilised gifts for mums-to-be. I'm a total sucker for personalised items (I've mentioned this thousands of times before!) and I wish this had been around when I was pregnant with C!

They've very kindly offered my readers the opportunity to win a personalised maternity t-shirt - you can choose here.

One of the available options:

So if you're expecting a baby or know someone who is, get entering! 
Enter via the Rafflecopter widget below. Don't know how to use Rafflecopter? Di over at Super Lucky has put together a handy guide here.

This competition will run from 22nd July to 5th August and is open to UK residents only.

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway ThePrizeFinder - UK Competitions
4 comments on "Win a Personalised Maternity T-shirt from Personalised Pregnancy"
  1. baby on the way so would love to win a personalised maternity top :)

  2. I can't see the rafflecopter widgit?

  3. Hi Cat, I'm getting entries through from others. Have you tried refreshing the page? Is there a link saying "a Rafflecopter giveaway"? Or maybe switch browsers?

    Good luck, Stacey!
