Thursday 5 February 2015

E at 5 Months

How is my beautiful baby girl five months old already? Surely I only just gave birth to her!?

This month, I can really tell that she is becoming her own little person with her own personality. 

E had her hip scan a few weeks ago as my dad had Perthes disease and E was thought to have one leg longer than the other and they had uneven creases. I was so happy that after her ultrasound, we were told that everything looked absolutely normal. Phew!

She has had a few big milestone moments this month. She sat up by herself for the first time and we have begun weaning! She is still in 3-6 month clothing (but not for long as she is beginning to bust out of them!) and still takes 8oz every 4 hours except through the night when she sleeps like an angel! She settles herself to sleep in her crib and she loves having her comforter over half of her face. 

She is napping less during th day and she is fascinated by her hands and fingers. I'm just waiting for her to discover that she had feet. Speaking of hands, she finds it easier to hold things and put them into her mouth now. 

In addition to discovering her hands, she also realises that she has a tongue. It's always poking out and she tries to blow raspberries at us - something that I don't ever remember C doing. 

When I brought her to my parents house a few weeks ago, I tried her in C's old baby walker and she loved being able to look around her. I definitely think I'll have to buy her her own for home soon. We've dug out C's old Jumperoo too which has been a huge hit!

She also got her own big girl bath seat as she has grown out of her gorgeous Shnuggle bath *sob* 
It does now mean though, that I can stick both babies in the bath at the same time and wash them together! 

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