Wednesday 18 February 2015

Win a copy of Davina's 7 Minute Fit DVD

We're nearing the end of the second month of the year and I hope you're all sticking to your New Years Resolutions! One of the most popular resolutions is to lose weight and this leads to an influx of new people joining up to the gym.

If you're anything like me, this fills you with dread. I hate busy places, people taking up all the equipment so you have to wait and with two children, it would be hard to find the time to go.

Most people are opting to do exercise at home. It seems like every month we hear of a new celebrity fitness DVD. I have to admit that I own quite a few of these (I tend to get them from places like Cash Generator who sell second hand DVDs otherwise I'd have spent a fortune!).

If you're like me, and tend to exercise in the comfort of your own home then this giveaway is right up your street. Here's your chance to win a copy of Davina's 7 Minute Fit DVD. All you need to do is fill in the Rafflecopter widget below. The giveaway will end on 3rd March and it's open to UK residents only. Good luck!

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2 comments on "Win a copy of Davina's 7 Minute Fit DVD"
  1. Thank you for another great review and giveaway! 7 mins of working out sound good!

  2. so need this, thanks for the chance :)
